
Raqib Ride

Revolutionizing School Transportation

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Basic Plan


Perfect for smaller schools or those just beginning to digitalize their school bus system.

Premium Plan


An excellent choice for medium-sized schools, offering a more extensive set of features.

Elite Plan


A comprehensive package tailored for larger schools for their transportation system.

What is RaqibRide?

The future of school transportation management. Our platform is designed to provide comprehensive, real-time management and oversight of school bus systems, offering a seamless connection between schools, bus drivers, and parents.

For Schools

RaqibRide offers a robust dashboard for trip planning and management, bus and driver assignment, and detailed reporting. It helps schools streamline their operations, increase efficiency, and ensure student safety.

For Parents

RaqibRide delivers peace of mind by providing real-time updates on the bus’s location, pickup and drop-off notifications, and a live camera feed from the bus, allowing parents to stay connected to their children’s journey to and from school.

For Drivers

RaqibRide equips drivers with a user-friendly app to manage their trips, track student attendance, and communicate effectively with both parents and the school administration.

Get the app

RaqibRide’s intuitive mobile applications are available for download on both iOS and Android devices. Whether you’re a school administrator, a parent, or a bus driver, RaqibRide offers you real-time updates, communication tools, and comprehensive management features tailored to your role.

Get the app

RaqibRide’s intuitive mobile applications are available for download on both iOS and Android devices. Whether you’re a school administrator, a parent, or a bus driver, RaqibRide offers you real-time updates, communication tools, and comprehensive management features tailored to your role.

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