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Embracing Digital Transformation
The world is embracing digital transformation, and the education sector
Fostering Communication
Communication is key in managing any system, and school transportation
Supporting Our Bus Drivers
Bus drivers play a crucial role in school transportation systems.
Empowering School Administration
Managing a school transportation system can be a daunting task.
Securing Your Child’s Journey
Every parent's priority is the safety of their children. When
Reimagining School Transportation
In the age of digital transformation, school systems worldwide have
Get the app
RaqibRide’s intuitive mobile applications are available for download on both iOS and Android devices. Whether you’re a school administrator, a parent, or a bus driver, RaqibRide offers you real-time updates, communication tools, and comprehensive management features tailored to your role.
Get the app
RaqibRide’s intuitive mobile applications are available for download on both iOS and Android devices. Whether you’re a school administrator, a parent, or a bus driver, RaqibRide offers you real-time updates, communication tools, and comprehensive management features tailored to your role.